How Seniors Can Prevent Tooth Loss?

How Seniors Can Prevent Tooth Loss?

Sadly, about 27% of seniors over the age of 65 have no remaining teeth, as per the NIDCR. A study by CW Douglas indicated that in 2000, 35.4 million people in the US wore dentures, and the number will increase to 37.9 million by 2020. The Silberg Center for Dental Science advises that loss of tooth among seniors has a lot of effects including affecting their social life adversely. 

What is a diastema?

What is a diastema?

A diastema is a gap between the teeth. It is not harmful, and it appears in children and adults. In children, the gap typically closes when their permanent teeth come through. A diastema is a gap between teeth that is wider than 0.5 millimeters. It can develop between any teeth. Treatment is not usually necessary for medical reasons. But if a person dislikes the appearance of their diastema, it is possible to close or narrow the gap.

How can boosting Your Vitamin And Mineral Intake Protect Your Smile?

How can boosting Your Vitamin And Mineral Intake Protect Your Smile?

Everyone knows that eating a good mix of vitamins and minerals is vital for optimum health, but did you know that these nutrients are just as essential for your dental health? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 47.2% of American adults have some form of periodontal disease. But with the right vitamin and mineral consumption and effective dental care, the nation’s tooth decay could be significantly improved.

How to Stop Dry Mouth Caused By Diabetes

How to Stop Dry Mouth Caused By Diabetes

463 million people in the world have diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Foundation, and diabetes is known to raise the risk of certain dental health issues, including dry mouth. Dry mouth is much more than an annoyance that may make it a little difficult to speak sometimes. Fortunately, there are effective ways to ease or eliminate dry mouth.