Emergency Dental Care

Emergency dental care is crucial when immediate attention is needed to alleviate severe pain, control bleeding, or address urgent dental issues that can't wait for regular office hours. Our commitment is to provide prompt and effective emergency dental treatment to relieve pain and prevent further damage to your teeth, gums, or oral tissues.

Common dental emergencies include severe toothaches, knocked-out or broken teeth, infections, bleeding or swollen gums, abscesses, dental trauma, and conditions causing intense pain, bleeding, or swelling in the mouth.

When faced with a dental emergency, reach out to our office immediately. Dr. Henley is always on call, ready to assist. We offer emergency dental services and after-hours care to ensure your urgent needs are met promptly.

During your emergency dental appointment, Dr. Henley will assess your condition, identify the root cause, and provide appropriate treatment. This may involve procedures such as extractions, root canals, repairs to broken teeth or fillings, or treatment for infections or abscesses.

Preventive measures play a crucial role in avoiding dental emergencies. Practice good oral hygiene, use protective mouthguards during sports, avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods, and schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

In summary, our emergency dental care aims to deliver swift and effective treatment for urgent dental issues, alleviating pain and preventing further damage. If you find yourself in a dental emergency, trust the experienced team at CJ Henley, DMD for immediate and compassionate care.

For emergency dental assistance in Jacksonville, contact us now.